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Welcome to the Burlington Church of Christ!

We are a diverse, nondenominational Christian church in Burlington, Vermont committed to loving God and loving one another.  With members and Bible study groups throughout the greater Burlington, Vermont area, we're spreading the gospel throughout Chittenden, Franklin, and Addison counties.


Welcome to The Burlington Church of Christ
Join Us for An Upcoming Worship Service!


Meeting Weekly at Various Locations Around Burlington

If you're interested in joining us, please make sure to check the calendar or get in touch for our latest schedule.


Worship Service is at 10am on Sundays


We believe that Christianity wasn't meant to be lived out alone.

One of the strengths of our church is close, spiritual relationships that extend beyond Sunday morning. Whether through our weekly small group meetings or through one-on-one discipleship and prayer times, we strive to hold one another's arms up in this spiritual battle.


Visit or contact us if you would like to get connected to a bible study group, or would like to meet with someone to get your questions about God and the Bible answered.


Email Signup

Interested in learning more about our events and involvement with the community? Sign up to get all the latest announcements sent directly to your inbox.


We meet for worship on Sundays either at the Burlington Hilton or in small groups the first Sunday of every month. For the most up-to-date schedule, please see our events calendar or complete the form below and we'll be in touch soon!

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